The Metro Digital Gaging Displays are for when you need dimensional control for 1-2 probes (M3) or up to 32 probes (M400). These gaging displays are easy to read and use with touch screen display. Each M3 series digital display is able to connect to 2 gaging probes. The model of the display determines what brand and type of probe can be connected. These displays have resolutions up to 0.01um, and calibration in 2 or 3 points. Each display has a USB stick connection for the easy transfer of data to a CSV file. These easy to use and reliable displays are the perfect for all of your measuring needs.
13000 Heidenhain TTL Probes, Magnescale TTL w/adapter
13010 Solartron Half Bridge Probs
13020 Heidenhain 11uA or 1Vpp with DSub 15
13030 MicroEpsilon Laser Opto NCDT
13040 Air Gage Probe (Numerous Versions)
1301T Tesa Probes
1301M Mahr Probes
1301S Solartron AX series probes
45500 Numerous version with are compatible (32 probes)
** Note All displays can take in Solartron Orbit Probes
Have an application for 1,2 or several probes, call Measurement Technologies today and let one of our experts help you pick out the right display for your application.